RED be continued in a different way

This blog is not being kept up, but you can follow The Red Barn Antiques and Collectibles on Facebook and see what's up!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

At the Barn today

On the way over to the barn, I had to take another look at these goodies at the Red Shed
 I am in LOVE with this old street sign!!! But I promise it will still be there on Monday!
A bushel and a peck? Great for gathering those leaves!
Meanwhile back at the barn...
Boxes and more boxes!

 Here we go again, move, place, rearrange,move it somewhere else, keep at it until it has just the look we are striving for!

A few pictures to look at, we have lots of work to do yet, more pictures to come on the weekend....and you're still not going to see it all!!

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