RED be continued in a different way

This blog is not being kept up, but you can follow The Red Barn Antiques and Collectibles on Facebook and see what's up!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Getting ready for Tuesday 5:00 pm

Spring has finally arrived and we are getting ready!! There was a little confusion over opening times. Please note: It is 5:00 pm on Tuesday  June 3rd, NOT 3:00.
Please don't arrive at 3:00...........we won't open until 5:00.

We are just setting up, thus the mess!! We will be adding and arranging up to the last minute!
We are loaded!!
 It's unbelievable what has come through the doors!! Vintage and antique, indoors and outdoors! (really neat items for the yard and garden!!)
See you soon, check back for more pictures!

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